Robertson and District Swimming Pool Association (RADSPA) is a not-for-profit organisation incorporated in NSW under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (such as sports clubs, community groups, and charitable organisations)
The association aims to construct the long awaited Aquatic Centre containing a 25metre x 4 lane heated and covered swimming pool with facilities and access for elderly and disabled patrons. This centre will contain a gymnasium and exercise room. Construction of the stylish rural building,the pool and gymnasium facilities will comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA), including disability access provisions and relevant state building laws and regulations.
The building will feature solar panels (roof) and fresh water tanks to reduce carbon emissions and enhance water sustainability. A gallery will seat over 30 visitors and spectators. Off street parking with dedicated disabled space as well as a bicycle rack. The perimeter will be fenced, with lockable gates. In addition to "Learn to Swim" Campaigns, lap swimmers,coaching, training and hydrotherapy, the centre will house the district's only gymnasium for local citizens, sporting groups and the elderly and disabled. The disabled will have wheel chair access to the Centre and a hoist erected for entering the pool. The grounds will house BBQ and small group entertainment facilities.
The Committee has applied for a DA from Wingecarribee Shire Council for the development of the centre on a block of land with a long term lease from the Robertson Bowling Club.